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Psychotherapy 心理治療輔導
Sandplay therapy
Sandplay is a nonverbal therapeutic technique developed by Dora M. Kalff in the late 1950. Based on Jungian psychology with the use of sand, water and figurines, clients create sand images within a “free and protected space” of the therapeutic relationship and the sand tray. A series of sandplay images portrayed in the sand tray create an ongoing dialogue between the conscious and the unconscious aspects of the client’s psyche, which activates a healing process and the development of the personality. Sandplay therapy has been used in individual work with both children and adults. (adapted from ISST definition)
沙遊治療是其中一種心理治療。它的創辦人為瑞士兒童分析師 Dora Klaff,結合了Margaret Lowenfeld (1979)的「世界技術」(World technique)與榮格(Jung)理論的一種心理治療方法。內裡研究許多符號的意思,繼而將許多潛意識中的訊息帶到意識層面。在沙遊治療的設計裡,沙、水、箱、小玩具全部都有著精密的設計,我們可透過程讓內在的訊息傳話到認知的世界裡,沙遊絕對是幫助我們走進內心世界,認識自己更多的,亦幫助我們處理更多與父母或舊有模式的不解,以至阻礙我們向前走的一套心理治療工具。
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