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Other Althernatives II 

Aura Soma Consultation

We would like to provide other althernatives for your consideration, so as to have a wider range and follow your inner guides to have the best way to understand more on yourself. Indeed, we would provide different types of personal growth tools and those are for having more understanding on yourself or even personal growth. (Remarks: We don't focus on fortune-telling.) This time we would like to introduce a system called Aura Soma ® Colour Care System to all of you.


Inner Guides 亦為各位提供不同種類/工具的個別諮詢服務,聆聽我們的內在的指引,你能為自己選擇更合適自己的諮詢途徑,並對自己有更多的認識與及個人的成長,提升自己對逆境的能力。(備註:我們的所有工具都不作預測用途,只提供一個更多角度的個人認識) 這裡為大家介紹一套新系統,這是一套結合顏色、植物、水晶及光三個王國(香薰精華油、天然草藥、寶石及水晶)的能量,這是一套很全面地認識自己與及可應用於自己身上的靈性工具。


AURA-SOMA® is colour for everyone. A non-intrusive and self-selective system in which colour is the key. It is an ancient knowledge that has been refound and revitalised into a living system easily accessible to all.


The Aura-Soma Consultation

"You are the colours you choose"


Your choice of Equilibrium bottles is the key to the Aura-Soma Colour System Consultation. You will be invited to choose the four colour combinations to which you are most drawn. By exploring with a Registered Aura-Soma Practitioner or Registered Aura-Soma Colour Care Consultant what your colour choice represents for you, it reveals your gifts challenges and opportunities. Your colour choice will also shed light on your potential for growth and transformation.


Towards the end of the consultation you will identify the Aura-Soma colour products that will be most beneficial for you to apply in the following weeks. This is a very important part of helping yourself through the Aura-Soma colour system. Whilst the consultation provides insight into your situation, it is in applying the Aura-Soma colours onto and around yourself that the information discussed in the session may be absorbed and integrated into your everyday experience. The products have an energetic vibration that goes beyond words.


You will also receive a Consultation Information Sheet on which notes the main details of your consultation can be made, what was discussed and what was recommended. This will provide a valuable record of your ongoing work with the Aura-Soma Colour System.


(Original Source:






已註冊並為合資格的執行/諮詢師 (可於官方網站瀏覽該名註冊執行師的名字) 將邀請客人一套擁有114支彩油的瓶子前, 靜下來並選擇「當下」最吸引你的瓶子,當你先後選擇了四個瓶子後,接所選擇的先後次序,它們分別代表:第一個瓶子為生命課題、第二個瓶子為天賦, 第三個瓶子為此時此刻的現況及第四個瓶子的可見將來 (正面支持你的元素) 瓶子。合資格的諮詢師會替客人講述每個瓶子及顏色代表的意義,以及整體展示了什麼讓客人去成長及處理,如何讓更能找尋到真實的自己,用愛及接納去欣賞自己。






彩油諮詢師:吳詠欣 NG Wing-yan, Bhakta

Valid ASIACT Practicing Certificate for Aura-Soma® Colour Care System

- Level 1 Foundation

- Level 2 Intermediate

- Level 3 Advanced

- Level 4 Thesis

- Glastonbury Experience (2014' @ Academy)

- The Galactic Tree of Life and Aura-Soma (2015'@Academy)

- Personal Presentation Skills (PPS)

- 彩油與占星

- 彩油塔羅


費用:$850 /節 (每節為75分鐘,另送一支50ml平衡油, 紀錄紙及場地費用)






紐西蘭畫家Pamela Matthews老師製作的Aura-Soma塔羅牌。每張卡的圖像也很美麗吸引,也在說著不同美麗的故事。當中的圖象如實地反映著我們內心的困惑和現象,它讓我們發現自己內在不是空洞,而是充滿色彩。





彩油諮詢師:吳詠欣 NG Wing-yan, Bhakta

Valid ASIACT Practicing Certificate for Aura-Soma® Colour Care System

- Level 1 Foundation

- Level 2 Intermediate

- Level 3 Advanced

- Level 4 Thesis

- Glastonbury Experience (2014' @ Academy)

- The Galactic Tree of Life and Aura-Soma (2015'@Academy)

- Personal Presentation Skills (PPS)

- 彩油與占星

- 彩油塔羅


費用:$780 /小時


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