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Corporate Trainings/Events



I'Inner Guides has the experience to integrate the "Body, Mind & Spirit" concepts into the corporate trainings. The trainings areas will cover Leadership Skill, Communication, Working Balance, Healthy Conscious towards work, Team Building, Creativity etc.... It's welcome to enquiry more from us. The experiences of us to provide trainings to corporates are equipped as for the staff development. At the same time, we would like to render the event services. If your company wants to have some ideas in any events, like Party, Annual Dinner or any functions that you expect to have fun.

Corporate Trainings 公司培訓


We are experienced in rendering trainings to corporates just like Team Building, leadership skills, Communication, "Peaceful" atmosphere at Office, Working Balance, Stress Management, Healthy Conscious, Voluntary work towards work etc. Indeed, we would like to provide the trainings by consultating the ideas from your assoication and then tailor-made for your staff or department.


Inner Guides 備有經驗於公司培訓,範圍包括:團隊合作、領導技巧、溝通、營造和諧的辦公室氣氛、壓力管理、平衡工作概念、健康意識、義工培訓等。我們更樂意與貴 公司商討更合適的培訓,讓各員工或不同的部門訓練更有得著。





Corporate Events 公司大/小型活動


We will render the services about the events or functions held by your corporate. Just like: Annual Dinner, Christmas Party or even Staff Fun Day etc. We will hold fifferent interesting or fun and also related to our topic < Body. Mind. Spirit> and have both the "Fun" & "Growth" through the event. For those activities, they are covering: Mandala Drawing, Zentangle Drawing, Tree Drawing, Numerology, Ennegram, Mudra Relaxtion, Lotus Korean Making, Aura Soma - Colour & Aroma Activity etc... If you have the interest or would like to have more information, please feel free to contact us for more consultation.


公司於不同的時間都或許會舉辦不同的活動給予員工,如:春萌、週年大會、聖誕活動等給予員工。如貴 公司正預備一些特式有趣,又與 <身.心.靈> 主題有所掛勾的。歡迎也與我們聯絡,我們會協助舉辦不同類型的趣味活動或攤位:"屋.樹.人" 心理畫、曼陀羅繪畫解困擾、禪繞靜心畫、"數字" 認識自己、色彩香氛療法、手印減壓、韓國蓮花燈輕鬆專注紮作等。



Thanks to corporates (your) support



1. Therapeutic Communities Austria 奧地利治療社區


2. Therapeutic Communities Hong Kong Limited 原型整合治療有限公司


3. Urban Property Management Ltd

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