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Counseling Services


Dear All,

From the counseling field, counselors can't help you to solve the problems or provide a constricted way to force you do anything. But for us, we would like to widen your horizons to view things by heart. In fact, everyone has the potential and resources to solve their own problems. For the problem formation, we will use different theoretical approaches to assess the core needs of yours. Basically, all problems are from the "hurt" of our past and then formate some irrational beliefs and even the beliefs are rooted in our sub-conscious. Sometimes, we commented that our "Inner Child" is hurt and lived inside you without being cared any more. Therefore, we would have our counseling skills for let you know the hidden agenda and break your conditioning that formed in the past.

For counseling context, we would suggest you how many sessions to be conducted after the first session (we call it as intake session). Therefore, you will find that I will ask you something and collect the basic information of yours. After that, I can assess your need by my theoretical mind, skills and experience. Also, I will suggest you how many sessions that should be taken for. Basically, if both parties agreed to process the counseling, then I have the ideas to have 6 sessions as a treatment plan afterwards. After 6 sessions, then the client can also decide she wants to continue or not.

***it all depends on the agreement with the counselor. No need worry that the counselor will force you to have further session or costs.***

Please feel free to contact for more information at :




With Love & Devotion,
Bhakta NG




人 在環境裡 (Person in Environment) -- 每個人出生的環境及社會文化、以至於不同人對自己都產生了不同的期望 (Expectation),成長中經歷的許許多多大小事情,都會不自覺地植入一定程度的限制/制約 (Conditioning) 在我們的潛意識內。因此,我們有許多不同的行為模式會不斷地重覆,而又令我們產生很多情緒,繼而不斷在一個滾輪內翻騰。

輔導/諮詢並不是找一位輔導員/諮詢師替你找答案來解決所有的問題,而是尋求他們的協助,以擴闊不同的角度,讓你為自己「選擇」合適的方法來幫助自己 面對一些困難或挑戰。同時,我們透過輔導/治療來讓自己提升「覺察」(Aware),讓自己可以不再重覆某一個模式,讓已被制約多年的「內在小孩」得到關 心及愛,透過重新擁抱自己的內在小孩,認識自己的真我本性,做回真實的自己。




1.      了解個人的「制約」 (Conditioning) 形成及其限制所在。

2.      讓「內在小孩」(Inner Child) 重新被關愛,得到治療。

3.      認識真我的本性 (Who am I?) ,作真實的自己 (self)。


個人 -- 成長指導.情緒管理.人際關係.職業輔導.性治療

兒童 – 遊戲輔導.性教育.生死教育.**特殊學習需要 (針對不同特殊學習需要的特性,進行個別指導)

家長及家庭 – 婚前輔導.親職教育.婚姻輔導.家庭治療.性治療

** 特殊學習需要 (Special Educational Need – SEN) – 指與一般學童有學習上的差異,例如:過度活躍症、亞氏保加症、學習障礙、資優等。

*** 由於每個案主的情況有異,歡迎致電或電郵查詢合適的輔導服務。




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